SDSU Dance Team Video Audition Submission Due April 4th
In 30 seconds or less please introduce yourself. State your name, age, and acceptance status. Tell us briefly why you want to audition to be a member of the SDSU Dance Team.
Legs - Please film a video of yourself doing battements on the right and left, including tilts, leg extensions, and leg hold turns.
Leaps - 3 Leaps of your choosing.
Pirouettes - 5 pirouettes on your right side. Please do each three times without stopping the video.
A La Secondes - A turn combo of your choosing. You can incorporate floats, spot changes, and leg variations.
Tricks - Video your right and left aerials. Please include any additional tumbling or hip-hop tricks that you have.
* Please reference our mandatory requirements on our website and incorporate skills on the list in your technique videos.
Jazz combo (:45 - 1:00) - This can be a combo you have learned or performed previously. It can be pre-recorded but should not have anyone else in the video. It should incorporate both style and technique. Please make sure it does not exceed 1 minute in length.
Hip Hop combo (:45- 1:00) - This can be a combo you have learned or performed previously. It can be pre-recorded but should not have anyone else in the video. Let us see your personality and style. Please make sure it does not exceed 1 minute in length.
Please click the link below to pay to submit your video. All video entries are $25. Your video will not be viewed until payment is received.
Submission Deadline:
All video submissions are due by midnight on April 4th. Any videos submitted after that will not be viewed. Please upload your video to YouTube as an unlisted video and email the link to sdsudanceteamauditions25@gmail.com.
Our 2024 auditions are invite only. If you are to receive an invitation (either through our recruitment clinic or via preliminary video submission), your presence is mandatory, as the audition is IN PERSON. Videos will not be accepted in place of attendance at our April audition. We will send out invitations by April 7th. We will have an Audition Prep Clinic on April 12th and auditions will be held on April 26th & 27th. If you do not receive an invitation please consider auditioning again in 2026.