
Men's Lacrosse Team member running on the field during a game

SDSU Men’s

The San Diego State MEN’S LACROSSE CLUB is open to all current students who meet the Aztec Recreation Sport Clubs, Southwestern Lacrosse Conference, and Men’s Collegiate Lacrosse Association (MCLA) guidelines and eligibility requirements. Team members must be enrolled in 12 or more units per semester to be eligible for the team. The program is self-funded through donations and Alumni support. In addition to competing against teams from all over California, Nevada, and Arizona; the team plays a national schedule as a member of the MCLA. Joining this program will require as much time as any other NCAA Athletic commitment and the rewards are just as great!

Getting Started

The team is open to all who wish to join, new or experienced. However, be prepared, this program is similar to other intercollegiate sports and is a huge time commitment. Players are responsible for raising annual donations ($2,200), in order to meet program budget needs. Additionally you are required to attend dawn workouts, afternoon practices, evening practices, speed training, weekend practices/games, and periodic meetings. All while keeping your GPA above the team and league eligibility requirements. You must meet the eligibility requirements of the Rec. Sports Program, Lacrosse League, and the Men’s Collegiate Lacrosse Association (MCLA).

Use the links below to download and complete the necessary SDSU Rec Sports and Team Paperwork. Please note that you must have a completed physical as directed on the school paperwork. Get started by turning in the Player Contact Form to the Head Coach ASAP. All administrative requirements must be completed prior to stepping on the field.

Incomplete packets are unacceptable. All paperwork is due at the start of the Sept. meeting! In order to compete on the team all players are required to complete and maintain Sport Club Paperwork available under the "Forms" link.

Finances and Player Dues

The Program is 99% self-funded but does receive a substantial amount of operational support from the Sport Club Office. As anyone with experience knows, many lacrosse programs nationwide are self-funded. This predicament allows our Alumni & Parents the chance to really make a difference by providing much needed financial support. The backbone of the system is the Aztec Alumni Lacrosse Foundation, a 501 C 3 non-profit organization designed to provide financial support, career mentoring, and act as the communication hub for Alumni, Parents, Players, and Fans of Aztec Lacrosse. Each player receives an informational brochure about the AALF at the Fall meeting. All team finances are centrally handled through AALF. The Team Leaders remain in control of all financial decisions and approve any fund expenditures of the AALF. Membership is automatic for current players and open to anyone interested in supporting the team.

Player donations are collected through the fall with the final amount due before leaving on Winter Break. That allows for final preparations to be made prior to the start of the season. The total amount each player must raise is $2,200/year. This includes uniforms (game & practice), travel, league dues, officials costs, coaches stipends, administrative costs, field supplies, team player packs, and all the remaining budget items involved with operating the team at a championship level. Through Pay Pal we are able to accept most major credit cards for dues payments. The annual operating budget is well over $105,000.00!

Current High School Seniors

We highly encourage any High School Seniors who are interested in playing to contact an Officer or Head Coach in order to plan a trip to visit SDSU and get to know the team. We can show you around campus and introduce you to the current team. You can sit in during a practice and watch us play to help determine if it is right for you.

Freshmen Arriving in the Fall

If you have not already made contact with the coaching staff during the preceding spring season you should definitely do so before arriving on campus in August. We will do our best to connect you with a current upperclassmen so you are not left feeling alone while you make the transition to college life. Do not purchase new gear before arriving to campus. Much of the gear is included in the player packs issued through the team. Sorry, but we do not have the power to change roommate assignments.

Fall Meeting

A mandatory meeting of all interested players is conducted the first week of September. Typically following the Holiday Weekend. All school required paperwork is submitted along with the first installment of player dues. The announcement is usually posted on the home page.

Aztec Recreation Membership

All players are required to be members of the ARC to participate on the team. Your membership helps to support our use of the facilities, weight rooms, pool, and training room. Membership registration should be completed prior to the Fall meeting.


The fall season runs from October to early November. Field practices are 2-3 times per week (days vary), combined with conditioning work outs 3-4 days per week in the mornings that begin in September. Inter-squad & local scrimmages vs. area colleges and post-college club teams round out the schedule.

Regular Season

The season kicks off in early January, usually the first Tuesday following New Year’s, with regular season practice. Practices continue 6 days per week until games begin. Games are played on various days, with the highest percentage of them taking place on Saturday evenings.

Team Travel

The team plays a competitive schedule that involves a fair amount of travel. For most trips a charter bus is the mode of transportation. Players are required to dress appropriately for all away games (team polo, slacks, dress shoes). During Spring Break and/or long weekends it is necessary for the team to leave school on a Thursday night and not return until Sunday or Monday. These trips are announced and planned well in advance so players can adjust work schedules and contact class professors. Air and bus travel is typically included in the annual player dues amount. Travel to the National Championship and Playoffs may require additional funding.

Season Schedule

The regular season schedule is posted under the "schedule" link at left in early December. Prospective players, parents, and fans are encouraged to come out and support the team. The team competes in the Southwestern Lacrosse Conference (SLC), in the SLC South our divisional opponents include: University of Arizona, Arizona State, Grand Canyon University, and University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Other conference members include USC, Chapman, UCSB, UCLA, Claremont, and Loyola Marymount." to "University of Arizona, Arizona State, Grand Canyon University, USC, Chapman, UCLA, and Concordia-Irvine.

Out of conference opponents are selected from the Men's Collegiate Lacrosse Association (MCLA). The regular season games begin the first or second weekend of February and continue until late April. The SLC Playoffs usually take place the last weekend of April followed by the MCLA National Championship the second week of May.