Frequently Asked Questions
Rugby is a high-intensity, full-contact sport played on a field. It is one of the most popular sports played worldwide by all ages, and one of the fastest-growing sports in America. The game features a combination of speed, strategy, and strength as a team unit. The main goal is to get the ball into the opponents’ end of the field to score a try and gain points. It was invented when a soccer player picked up the ball and ran it forward during the game, creating the distinct handling of the ball associated with rugby and American football.
Rugby is a great sport to improve confidence, physical and mental health, and connect with others. The inclusive nature of rugby invites anybody to be involved, regardless of size or stature. Players can derive many physical benefits, such as increased bone density, cardio, stamina, and better flexibility. It’s a highly social sport and has a significant level of respect and sportsmanship involved, making the possibilities for connection endless.
Some typical characteristics of rugby players include skills of speed, strength, and agility. Athletes that have previously played soccer, football, basketball, softball, or have run track and field will have many transferable skills to the sport of rugby. Any individual used to a team setting and/or with a strong work ethic will fit in perfectly.
While rugby may seem dangerous at first glance, safety is the most important aspect. We continuously learn and relearn techniques to keep our bodies safe. Previous injuries are checked in on and managed throughout the season. Proper hydration and game preparation are essential aspects to being successful on the team. Injuries can happen when the steps are not taken to ensure safety, so both the individual player and team have a responsibility to maintain safety.
As of the 2021-2022 season, we had a roster of about 30 girls. The traveling squad is 15 players and a few alternates. As we focus on competition during the 2022-2023 season, practice attendance, skill development, and effort during practice or external events will be recorded to determine the lineup.
Dues are collected each season and there are costs for team clothing as well as traveling. We will work with any player to create a payment plan and are constantly fundraising to keep costs low. Our focus is making rugby accessible to everyone.
Cleats (no metal spikes, soccer cleats are most typical), a mouthguard, and athletic clothing are needed for rugby. Bringing tennis shoes and water is also necessary. These items are needed as soon as possible, especially after the tryouts period ends. Once you have committed to the team, ensuring you have filled out all forms prior to attending practice is essential.
Practices will take place 2-3 days a week, in the early morning and later afternoons. These will involve stretching, practicing skills, doing strength and conditioning, and developing game strategies. Practices are run at 100% effort to maintain a game-like scenario.