Smiling student using fitness equipment to do situps

Fitness Buddy Program Participant Expectations

  • Fitness Buddy participants will be expected to connect with their assigned pairing at least 2x/month and visit/participate in Aztec Recreation activities/facilities/programs. All activity/meetings must occur in on-campus Aztec Recreation facilities, an event run/staffed by Aztec Recreation, or the Mission Bay Aquatic Center.
  • Participants will be expected to send a written report of the meeting(s) with their assigned pairing to the Aztec Recreation Fitness & Wellness Coordinator detailing the following: time/date of activity, location of activity, activity/activities participated in, brief description of mentee(s) goals and any relevant progress/plans made toward achieving those goals.
  • Participants are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times. Harassment or inappropriate behavior of any kind will not be tolerated.
  • Participants are expected to stay within their scope of practice and refrain from practices such as personal training, nutrition consultation, etc.
  • Participants should communicate solely with the intention of connecting about program related activities and meeting scheduling.
  • Participants are expected to report any issues (e.g. injury to self or others, inappropriate conduct, etc.) to the Aztec Recreation Fitness and Wellness Coordinator immediately.
  • The length of the Leader/Mentee relationship will be the duration of the semester in which the individuals applied, unless either the Mentee/Leader requests a change in their assignment.
  • Leaders/mentees may reapply to the program for subsequent semesters. Leaders will likely be paired with a different mentee if reapplying.
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