Fitness Buddy participants will be expected to connect with their assigned pairing at least 2x/month and visit/participate in Aztec Recreation activities/facilities/programs. All activity/meetings must occur in on-campus Aztec Recreation facilities, an event run/staffed by Aztec Recreation, or the Mission Bay Aquatic Center.
Participants will be expected to send a written report of the meeting(s) with their assigned pairing to the Aztec Recreation Fitness & Wellness Coordinator detailing the following: time/date of activity, location of activity, activity/activities participated in, brief description of mentee(s) goals and any relevant progress/plans made toward achieving those goals.
Participants are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times. Harassment or inappropriate behavior of any kind will not be tolerated.
Participants are expected to stay within their scope of practice and refrain from practices such as personal training, nutrition consultation, etc.
Participants should communicate solely with the intention of connecting about program related activities and meeting scheduling.
Participants are expected to report any issues (e.g. injury to self or others, inappropriate conduct, etc.) to the Aztec Recreation Fitness and Wellness Coordinator immediately.
The length of the Leader/Mentee relationship will be the duration of the semester in which the individuals applied, unless either the Mentee/Leader requests a change in their assignment.
Leaders/mentees may reapply to the program for subsequent semesters. Leaders will likely be paired with a different mentee if reapplying.