Important Dates to Remember:
First day to pay registration fee to Aztec Recreation
First Day of Classes
Student Add/Drop Deadline
Deadline to pay registration fee to Aztec Recreation through Online Services
No Classes
Last day of classes
- Credit Class registration fees are paid to Aztec Recreation through the Aztec Recreation app or Online Services. Registration fees are not included with university billing for tuition and lab fees and are not processed through financial aid payments.
- For MBAC classes, all payments and refund requests are done directly at MBAC. MBAC Registration Information
- Students that have not paid Aztec Recreation class registration fees by the deadline will not be permitted to continue participation until payment is made and Space in class is not guaranteed until registration and membership (if applicable) are complete.
- Priority enrollment is granted to SDSU students taking classes for credit. If you would like to take a class for non-credit, please contact the instructor to ensure there is space available.
- If you need to drop a class for any reason, you must drop prior to the drop deadline on the SDSU academic calendar. You must drop your class on my.SDSU as well as with Aztec Recreation. Dropping your class with Aztec Recreation does not remove your class from my.SDSU and we will not drop you from the class if you do not show up. If you need to drop the class after the drop deadline, you need to submit a late drop request to the Office of the Registrar.
- Refund requests must be submitted to ARC front desk within one week of the registration fee deadline.
- Aztec Recreation Membership is required for any ENS Credit Class that is located inside any of the following access-controlled facilities: ARC, ARC Express, and Aquaplex. Enrolled students will need to activate their student membership. Participants who are not enrolled students will need to purchase membership based on their current affiliation. Purchasing a visit pass for each class session is not permitted. At the end of the semester, if you do not want to continue membership, you must submit a membership cancellation request.
- Students can register for open course sections from their registration assignment time through the fifth day of classes.
- If a course selection is full, students can join the wait list for a course section on their registration date through the tenth day of classes.
- NEW WAITLIST APPROACH: SDSU is changing its waitlist process to be a first on, first off approach. This means that a student will get off the waitlist in the order they are put on. For example, a student who is third on the waitlist will be the third person off the waitlist. A full student resource guide and support services for my.SDSU can be found at my.SDSU Guides & Resources.
- Students enrolled from the waitlist will receive an email notification to the email address listed on the student’s my.SDSU account. Students should confirm their email address in my.SDSU is their SDSUiD, otherwise they will not receive any email notification.
- Students must join the waitlist for all course sections beginning on the sixth day of classes through the tenth day of classes even if there are available seats. On the sixth day of classes through the tenth day of classes, enrollment in open seats is not automatic or guaranteed. Enrollment during this period is by permission number only.
- Auto-enrollment from the waitlist ends on the fifth day of instruction in the fall and spring semester. Review the Academic Calendar for summer dates. After auto-enrollment ends, students must obtain class permission from the instructor to enroll in a class.
- Course registration fee payment is required to participate in ENS activity credit courses offered through Aztec Recreation and must be made directly to Aztec Recreation after registration is completed in my.SDSU and before the fee deadline, which is one week after the student drop date.
- Students may contact the instructor by email or in class for more information about moving in from the waitlist or obtaining a class permission number for a specific class.