The ARC indoor track is 1/8 mile and is great for running workouts or for a warm-up. Located on Level 2, the track has panoramic views of campus as well as other activities inside the ARC. Run rain or shine, day or night!
The inside lanes are for fast running and outside lanes for slower jogging and walking. Directions are rotated daily as follows:
Direction Days
Counterclockwise: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday ←
Clockwise: Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday →
Track Policies:
- Run, jog or walk in the daily direction.
- The inside lanes are for fast running and outside lanes for slower jogging and walking.
- Do not move equipment onto the track.
- Do not stop on the track.
- No weight training is allowed on the track.
- No roller blades, skateboards or scooters are allowed.
- Closed-toe and closed-heel shoes must be worn at all times.
- No cleats or metal spikes on the track.