Policies, Procedures and Guidelines
Mission Statement & Values
Mission Statement:
Aztec Recreation provides high quality programs, services and facilities that inspire active, healthy living and enhance the SDSU experience.
These values serve to guide individual and organizational behavior in Aztec Recreation:
- Safety
- Respect
- Professionalism
- Integrity
- Service
- Wellness
- Excellence
The Associated Students of San Diego State University (A.S./SDSU) is responsible for the management of Aztec Recreation; with policy direction from the A.S. Council and the A.S. Recreation and Wellness Commission.
- PERSONAL RISK: All patrons participate at their own risk. Please consult a physician or health care professional prior to utilizing the recreation facilities or starting an exercise program. If you experience faintness, dizziness, pain or shortness of breath at any time while exercising you should stop immediately.
- HEALTH: Please do not visit Aztec Recreation facilities if you are experiencing any symptoms of illness such as fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath or loss of taste or smell.
- PROGRAMMING: Aztec Recreation shall host many A.S. recreation-based programs including but not limited to: intramural sports, sport club practices and competitions, credit and non-credit classes, special events, informal recreation, group exercise classes, indoor rock-climbing and bouldering, Aztec Adventures activities and other fitness/wellness based activities. A.S also reserves the right to host special events in the recreation facilities or rent spaces for programs such as camps, clinics, and student engagement activities.
- ACTIVITY USE: Activities in the recreation facilities shall be compatible with the designated purpose/design of the facility. Unsafe activities or those that are deemed incompatible with the designated purpose or design are prohibited.
- MAINTENANCE CLOSURES: A.S. reserves the right to periodically close all, or some portion, of its facilities for necessary maintenance and repairs. Refunds will not be provided during these maintenance closure periods.
- PARKING: All parking on campus requires a permit. Additional information about parking may be found at Map & Parking
- AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES (ADA): Aztec Recreation complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act and related state laws. Accordingly, Aztec Recreation does not discriminate against individuals with disabilities and will take all steps necessary to provide our members with disabilities full and equal enjoyment of our facilities and services, so long as the modifications do not create an undue business hardship. If you have a disability that requires an accommodation or modification of services or equipment in order to achieve full and equal enjoyment of our facilities, please notify Aztec Recreation staff so that we may assist you.
- SURVEILLANCE: All Aztec Recreation facilities are under 24/7 video surveillance.
- RIGHT TO PRIVACY: Aztec Recreation conducts periodic facility inspections, including locker areas. Some inspections may occur in collaboration with the SDSU University Police department, and/or may involve the use of canine units. Aztec Recreation holds the right to search any bag (i.e. gym bag, backpack, etc.), personal belongings, and/or locker if deemed necessary and/or with reasonable suspicion.
Aztec Recreation reserves the right to place video surveillance cameras in our facilities where necessary and appropriate. Aztec Recreation respects the right to privacy of the University community members and balances the right to privacy versus the safety needs of the campus community. Aztec Recreation utilizes cameras for recording public areas for the purposes of enhancing public safety, monitoring restricted areas or equipment, to discourage theft and other criminal activities, and for preventing, investigating, and resolving incidents. Copies of information obtained by security camera recordings will only be released to law enforcement personnel upon authorization. - INJURIES: Any injury sustained while participating in Aztec Recreation facilities or programs should be reported to a staff member immediately.
The primary intent for the digital displays located within the Aztec Recreation facilities is to promote recreation, fitness and wellness-related content for programs and events held in Aztec Recreation facilities. The following information outlines the Recreation and Wellness Commission guidelines for all images to be submitted for promotional purposes within Aztec Recreation facilities.
Submitter must represent one of the following:
- SDSU Recognized Student Organizations
- University Departments or Programs
- Associated Students Departments or Programs
- Image must be PNG or JPG and RGB color mode
- Image size must be: 1920 pixels high x 1080 pixels wide x 96 pixels per inch
- Digital image must contain the following event information:
- Sponsoring organization/department
- Event date/time/location
- Contact information (website URL, phone number, email address, social media handle), so person viewing the image can get more information if necessary
- Less is more. Please refrain from heavy text and instead focus on visual content and driving viewers to website/social for more info. Digital displays are viewed from afar and slides will be shown for only 10-15 seconds in rotation.
No corporate advertisements or advertisements not related to the primary intent of the digital displays are permitted on the Aztec Recreation digital displays. Please also refrain from adding logos for non-campus brands to your slides. Approvals are granted as space (content volume) allows.
Please send submissions to aztecrec@sdsu.edu. Requests must be submitted 5 business days prior to display start date. Artwork shall not be displayed longer than two (2) weeks. Aztec Recreation reserves the right to decline any digital image submissions due to inappropriate content, due to an excess of content requests, or if the file does meet required image specifications.
Entrance Policies
- Students: Currently enrolled students for fall, spring and summer terms have an Aztec Recreation Student Membership. Membership is included with each semester of SDSU enrollment. Continuing SDSU students, those who were enrolled in a previous semester but not enrolled in the current semester, may purchase memberships and visit passes.
- Faculty, Staff & Alumni: Currently employed SDSU faculty, staff, and recognized emeritus are eligible to purchase Aztec Recreation membership and visit passes. SDSU alumni are eligible to purchase Aztec Recreation membership and visit passes and must present proof of graduation (transcript or diploma) or an Alumni Association member card.
- Sponsored Community: Membership and visit passes are available for non-SDSU community members. Sponsored community members must be 18 years of age or older and must be sponsored by an active Aztec Recreation member who is an SDSU student, alumnus, faculty or staff. Sponsor must be an active member in good standing, must be present at time of purchase and is responsible for the actions of their sponsored member.
- Sponsoring members assume the responsibility for any non-member they choose to sponsor for a membership with Aztec Recreation. Sponsoring member is responsible and liable for actions of the sponsored member including but not limited to: damage done to the facility, incidents or misconduct, and any other policy violation and/or behavior deemed inappropriate, unwelcoming or creating an unsafe environment that is not compatible with SDSU’s function as an educational institution.
- Sponsoring members may be liable for the cost of damages or theft caused by sponsored members. Should the sponsored members account be put on hold or suspended, the sponsoring member may also face the same consequences for the sponsored member’s actions.
- Sponsored Members must notify Member Services in writing if the sponsoring member is no longer an active member. The Sponsored member may be required to find a new sponsor to continue membership.
- Sponsored Members may be required to find a new sponsor if the sponsoring member’s account is suspended or terminated due to misconduct, policy violation and/or other behavior deemed inappropriate, unwelcoming or creating an unsafe environment that is not compatible with SDSU’s function as an educational institution.
- Sponsoring members have a limited number of members they may sponsor at one time.
- Sponsored Community Members are not eligible to sponsor new members.
- Enrolled Students, Faculty, Staff and Alumni who purchase a visit pass cannot sponsor a community member for a membership or visit pass
- Sponsoring members can rescind their sponsorship at any time by giving email/written notice to Aztec Recreation Member Services. The sponsored member will be notified and required to find a new valid sponsor and complete the sponsored community registration form with the new sponsor present.
- Individuals under the age of 18 are not permitted in Aztec Recreation facilities unless part of a scheduled youth program. Aztec Recreation youth programs at the Aquaplex and Tennis require adult supervision. Details are available at the Aquaplex.
- MEMBERSHIP PRIVILEGES: The benefits of Aztec Recreation Membership include:
- Entry into the ARC
- Entry into Aztec Aquaplex
- Entry into ARC Express
- Access to racquetball courts in Peterson Gym
- Climbing wall orientation/climbing shoes/climbing during open hours
- Participation in Group Fitness classes
- Intramural sports participation for student, faculty, and staff Aztec Recreation
members - Special events & challenge activities
- Reduced prices on MBAC non-credit classes
- INCLUSIVE RECREATION: Aztec Recreation supports a policy of nondiscrimination on the basis of race, religion (to include religious dress practice and religious grooming practice), color, sex (to include breastfeeding or medical conditions related to breastfeeding), age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, national origin, pregnancy, medical condition, military status, veteran status, genetic information, gender identity, gender expression or any other protected group.
In keeping with the University's policy of nondiscrimination on the basis of gender identity and gender expression, Aztec Recreation supports and values an individual's right to access and utilize recreation facilities, restrooms, locker rooms, programs, and services in accordance with an individual's gender identity and gender expression. - AZTEC RECREATION APP: Members will use the “Aztec Recreation” app available in the App Store or Google Play to access Aztec Recreation facilities and programs. Once logged into your Aztec Recreation account, members use the barcode to check in at Aztec Recreation facilities and to book reservations for Group Fitness classes. For more information visit Aztec Recreation App.
- SPONSORED VISIT PASS: Non-members, at least 18 years of age, may purchase a sponsored visit pass when accompanied by a current student, alumni, faculty or staff member in good standing. A Sponsored Visit Pass is valid for one single entry into either the Aztec Recreation Center, Racquetball, ARC Express, or Aquaplex. Both Sponsor and visit pass guest must present a valid government issued photo identification card and sign a waiver of liability.
- TOURS: Visitors may request tours. Tour visitors are prohibited from working out, utilizing the equipment, and taking photographs.
- SPECTATOR FEE: Spectators are required to purchase a visit pass.
- ENTRY: All Aztec Recreation members and guests will enter and exit through the turnstiles inside the front doors at the main entrance. All other doors are alarmed; passing through any alarmed door(s) is prohibited except during emergency evacuations. Sneaking a non-member into the facility is a violation and will result in suspension.
- MEMBERSHIP SECURITY: Members are responsible for keeping their membership account secure at all times. Members are required to have a headshot photo of their full face, representing their current appearance, on file with their membership account. Sharing Aztec Recreation app login, barcode or membership identification information with non-members to access facilities is prohibited and will result in suspension.
- MEMBER-IN-GOOD-STANDING: In order to maintain eligibility for all the benefits of membership, members must remain in good standing. A member in good standing is a person:
- Whose account is up-to-date
- Whose membership is paid in full
- Who is not serving a suspension for violating any conduct or sportsmanship policy
- Who is abiding by all Aztec Recreation policies
- Students must be currently enrolled, in good standing with the university without suspension from campus activities.
- MEMBERS NOT IN GOOD STANDING: A member not in good standing is one:
- Whose payment account (EFT, checking account, credit card, etc.) is invalid or has non-sufficient funds. A member with non-sufficient funds will be ineligible for all privileges and benefits.
- Who has violated any policy or whose privileges have been temporarily suspended.
- Who is a student suspended from campus activities by the university.
- CANCELLATION OF ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER (EFT) MEMBERSHIP: After completing the 2-month minimum obligation, non-student members must complete a cancellation form, via internet, before the 24th of the month to terminate membership and stop all future billing. No refunds shall be issued if members fail to utilize/visit facilities and do not complete a cancellation form on or prior to the 24th of the month.
- REFUNDS: Refunds shall be granted for activities/events that are cancelled. To apply for a refund, members should complete a refund request form and submit to the Member Services Manager.
- GENERAL STANDARDS OF CONDUCT: Aztec Recreation is a program of Associated Students of SDSU. Participation in Aztec Recreation facilities and programs is a privilege. Members and guests are expected to conduct themselves in a manner compatible with SDSU's function as an educational institution and to act courteously, respectfully and safely at all times. Individuals who engage in behavior inconsistent with program policies and expectations may have their access permanently revoked or modified indefinitely.
- STANDARDS OF STUDENT CONDUCT: In addition to Aztec Recreation policies, all SDSU students are expected to abide by the Standards of Student Conduct, Article 2, Section 41301. Standards of Student Conduct violations will be referred to the SDSU Center for Student Rights and Responsibilities.
- DISORDERLY AND UNSAFE CONDUCT: Conduct including, but not limited to, destruction of property; vandalism; spitting on the floors, walls or drinking fountains; use of profanity or derogatory language; lewd or indecent behavior; dropping weights; attempting to sneak into the facility; or actions that contribute to an unwelcoming or unsafe environment, such as yelling, taunting, talking trash, harassment, bullying, threats, pushing, fighting, physical abuse; or withholding or falsifying information are prohibited.
- FIGHTING: Any member or guest who, in the judgment of an Aztec Recreation employee, engages in a fight, attempts to fight, or instigates a fight or altercation shall have their privileges suspended or revoked. Privileges include entrance into all Aztec Recreation facilities, Intramural Sports eligibility, Sport Club eligibility, and program participation.
- ALCOHOL AND DRUGS: Aztec Recreation facilities and programs are alcohol, drug and narcotics free. This includes members, their sponsored guests and/or spectators. Members may be held responsible for the conduct of their sponsored guests. Anyone possessing or suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or other substance shall be asked to leave the facility and may be subject to suspension and/or termination of membership.
- WEAPONS: Aztec Recreation facilities and programs are weapons free. This includes, but is not limited to: firearms or guns, replicas, ammunition, explosives, fireworks, knives, other weapons, or dangerous chemicals.
- LOST/STOLEN ITEMS: Aztec Recreation is not responsible for stolen items. Even when locked, valuables should not be left inside a locker. Members are encouraged to contact University Police at 619-594-1991 to report stolen items.
- REFUSAL OF SERVICE: Aztec Recreation/Associated Students staff have the authority to interpret all policies and reserve the right to refuse service to members and/or guests if their conduct necessitates such action. Members may also be responsible for the conduct of sponsored guests.
- DISCIPLINE: Members involved in an incident regarding a possible policy violation may have their membership inactivated indefinitely while further information is gathered. Results of the follow up will determine subsequent disciplinary action. Disciplinary action resulting from investigation of an incident is determined on a case-by-case basis and could range from no action to a permanent membership or facility ban.
In addition to consequences related to membership status issued by Aztec Recreation/Associated Students, incidents involving student Standards of Conduct violations will be forwarded SDSU's Center for Student Rights and Responsibilities for investigation. Disciplinary action from the Center for Student Rights and Responsibilities is determined on a case-by-case basis and could range from no action to expulsion from the California State University system.
All SDSU student participants are subject to the possibility of official SDSU Judicial Proceedings and consequences from University Police Department officials if they threaten and/or abuse staff, another member and/or guest or engage in illegal activity in any Aztec Recreation facilities and/or programs. Non-SDSU student members are subject to the possibility of consequences from the University Police Department and/or San Diego Law Enforcement officials if they threaten and/or abuse staff, another member and/or guest or engage in illegal activity in any Aztec Recreation facilities and/or programs. - APPEAL: Members may appeal disciplinary action taken by the Aztec Recreation/Associated Students staff. A valid appeal must show either a misapplication or a misinterpretation of the guidelines, rules or policy. All program participants, members and guests are expected to read, know, understand and abide by the rules and regulations of the programs. Ignorance of the rules is not an excuse or a valid reason for a dispute. Only valid appeals by members will be considered. Appeals from guests will not be entertained.
- APPEAL PROCESS: A written appeal of a decision must be submitted within one week (7 days) of notification of the disciplinary decision. Appeal letters should be sent to the A.S. Associate Executive Director. SDSU student appeals will be forwarded to the A.S. Recreation & Wellness Commission for review and a hearing if required. An appeal from a non-SDSU student member will be reviewed by the Aztec Recreation Management Team in consultation with Associated Students Risk Management. The Management Team has the authority to uphold the original decision, reduce or increase the disciplinary action. The decision of the Management Team is final.
- HEARINGS: If an appeal by an SDSU student member is determined to be valid, an appeal hearing will be scheduled. The appeal is the responsibility of the A.S. Recreation & Wellness Commission. The Commission shall host an appeal hearing at the next appropriate meeting time. Hearing procedures include:
- Appellants writing an appeal outlining their disagreement or erroneous action;
- An appeal hearing shall include a written account of the incident from staff and/or participant, followed by verbal statements and ending with questions from the board.
- The Recreation & Wellness Commission shall decide on the merits of the appeal and decide if the existing sanctions are appropriate or should be enhanced or eliminated. The decision of the Recreation & Wellness Commission is final.
- REPEAT OFFENSES AFTER REINSTATEMENT: Aztec Recreation/Associated Students is committed to ensuring a safe and welcoming environment for our members. Consequently, members who have subsequent conduct issues after reinstatement from a prior membership suspension, regardless of length of time from the reinstatement, may be subject to an immediate and permanent termination of membership.
- MEMBERSHIP RATE AFTER MEMBERSHIP SUSPENSION: Any Aztec Recreation member who has had their membership suspended due to conduct issues, but is eligible for reinstatement, will be charged the current monthly rate for the appropriate membership category, regardless of what their rate was at the time of the suspension.
- CLOTHING: Appropriate clothing must be worn at all times throughout the recreation facilities. Exercise attire is required in all activity spaces. Shirts, tanks or sport tops are required. Bottoms covering the buttocks are required. Clothes with zippers, buttons, rivets or any other feature that may damage equipment are prohibited. Clothing displaying profane or offensive material is prohibited.
Acceptable: T-shirt, sweatshirt, tank top, sport top
Prohibited: Bare chest - BOTTOMS:
Acceptable: Exercise pants, shorts (reasonable length)
Prohibited: Slacks, cut offs, jeans, cargo pants
- FOOTWEAR: For safety and hygiene purposes, footwear must be worn at all times in the recreation facilities. Closed-toe and closed-heel athletic footwear is required in activity areas. Footwear shall be non-marking and free of mud and other debris. Patrons may not participate in socks only or bare feet.
- Acceptable: Athletic shoes (closed-toe and closed heel), 5-finger shoes
Prohibited: All other shoes: cleats, slippers, slides, clogs, dress shoes, sandals, and boots
Aztec Recreation staff reserves the right to determine the appropriateness of attire. - Acceptable: Athletic shoes (closed-toe and closed heel), 5-finger shoes
- SPORTS EQUIPMENT: Equipment (volleyball, soccer ball, basketball, foam rollers, jump ropes, racquets, etc.) may be checked-out through Member Services at no charge using a member number. Participants will be assessed the full replacement cost of any item(s) damaged or not returned. Failure to pay may result in membership suspension.
- TOWELS: Members are encouraged to bring their own towel to Aztec Recreation facilities:
- Shower towel service is available at the Aztec Recreation Center Member Services desk with a member number.
- Shower towels are for use within the Aztec Recreation Center. Return shower towels prior to exiting the facility.
- Members who do not properly check-in shower towels will be assessed a replacement fee.
All members using weight training and cardio equipment are strongly encouraged to carry a towel to wipe and dry the machines and upholstery after using it. Gym wipes and sanitation spray bottles are available for member use and are located in the Aztec Recreation Center and ARC Express.
Facility Usage
- REFRESHMENTS: Due to the high volume of members, all food, drink, candy, and/or other snack item(s) must be consumed in designated areas. Chewing gum is prohibited.
- WATER BOTTLES: Non-breakable, leak-proof drinking containers, which hold water, are allowable. Glass containers are strictly prohibited.
- SMOKING/VAPING: SDSU is a completely smoke-free campus. Smoking and vaping are not permitted inside or outside any facilities, including Aztec Recreation facilities, auxiliary buildings, fields, courtyards, grass areas and parking areas.
- PERSONAL PROPERTY: Personal belongings (gym bag, book bag, back pack, duffel bag, purse, clothing, shoes, and/or other possessions) are not permitted on the floor or on fitness equipment in fitness training areas and courts. Belongings must be properly stored in a locker or cubby. Members and guests are responsible for the security of their personal property. It is highly recommended that individuals not bring valuable items.
- AUDIO: The use of the ARC's group exercise music systems is prohibited. Personal use of boom box systems, noise-makers, musical instruments and/or amplified sound is prohibited.
- PHOTOGRAPHY/VIDEO: Without prior approval, the use of any device to take still or moving pictures, including photo/video cameras and phones, is prohibited inside all areas of Aztec Recreation facilities, including but not limited to fitness/weight areas, studios, courts, restrooms, locker rooms and pool deck.
- ANIMALS/PETS: Except for service animals, animals are not permitted.
- SALES/ADVERTISING: Unless approved, no sales brochures, advertising (flyers, posters, signs, displays, banners, etc.) or promotional activities of any kind is allowed.
- SOLICITATION: Without prior approval, solicitation or tabling is prohibited.
- SLEEPING: Sleeping and/or lying down in Aztec Recreation facilities are prohibited and may result in loss of membership privileges.
- CLUBS, GROUPS OR TEAMS: Large groups (five or more participants) of students, club, athletic or sport club teams must make prior arrangements to work out or practice as a group. Non-approved groups cannot monopolize an area. It is unacceptable for a group of five or more participants to create a team or group workout environment where other members might be turned away from any machine, group of machines, exercise room or specific area.
- PERSONAL TRAINING: Only authorized personal trainers may work in Aztec Recreation facilities. For more information about personal training, contact the Fitness and Wellness Coordinator.
- GROUP FITNESS: For safety reasons, Aztec Recreation may deny participation to patrons who do not follow ARC guidelines, who arrive 5 minutes after the start of class, or who arrive without a reservation.
- GROUP FITNESS REGISTRATION: Participants may register for group fitness classes 7 days in advance up to 15 minutes prior to the start of class.
- GROUP FITNESS CANCELLATION POLICY: If you need to cancel your registration, the deadline is 30 minutes prior to the Group Fitness class start time.
- GROUP FITNESS NO SHOW POLICY: You may cancel on the Aztec Recreation app, online at arconline.innosoftfusion.com or you can visit or call the Aztec Recreation Center at 619.594.7529. Those registered for a class who no show (or arrive later than 5 minutes after the start of class) three times in one semester will lose group fitness registration privileges for one month.
- BICYCLES, ROLLERBLADES, ROLLER SKATES, SKATEBOARDS and SCOOTERS: Bicycles, skateboards and similar wheeled devices must remain outside. Numerous lockable bike and skateboard rack(s) are available near facilities.
- VENDING/CATERING/CONCESSIONS: Aztec Shops, Inc. controls the sale of food, concessions, beverage and resale merchandise on campus. Therefore, NO outside catering or vending is permitted. Contact Aztec Shops at 619-594-7501 for more information.
- LOST AND FOUND: All items found shall go to the Member Services desk. Items will be logged and stored for a short time until forwarded to a local charity. Unfortunately, A.S. cannot be responsible for lost items. It is strongly suggested that members and guests not bring valuable items. Members or guests should inquire, in-person, with the Member Services desk if they believe they have lost something. Staff will not confirm the status of a possible lost and found item over the telephone.
Reservation Procedures
- Priority for scheduling is as follows:
- Aztec Recreation programming (e.g. Rec classes, Group Fitness, IM's, Sport Clubs, Drop In Recreation, etc.)
- Other A.S. Programs
- Student Clubs and Organizations (RSO)
- Campus Department Requests (must include student participation)
- Off Campus Groups (Off campus groups are not eligible for reservations during the academic year. Reservations will be limited to summer and non-peak times (e.g. winter or spring break) provided space is available.)
- Arena Meeting Center spaces are available for one time meetings/events but not recurring due to the variability of Arena events.
- Other costs may apply if additional staffing, set up or custodial is needed.
- The purpose of the reservation must be consistent with the design intent of the space (e.g. yoga, meditation, dance in the fitness studios, martial arts & self defense in mat room, org meetings/workshops in meeting rooms).
- All events must adhere to the reservation policies and deadlines included in the reservation agreement.
- Outside instructors are not allowed for group fitness classes or student clubs and organizations.
- Food is not allowed for any indoor or outdoor spaces that Aztec Recreation has available for rental. If a group chooses to have food at an off field/venue space away from AR venues, all food requests must be done through SDSU Environmental Health and Safety.
- Cancellations must be made 15 business days prior to the event to avoid a requirement of payment of the full event charges. Future reservations will not be accepted until accounts are paid in full.
- Payments must be made in full a minimum of 15 business days prior to the start of the event
- All activities shall be compatible with the designated purpose/design of the facility; unsafe activities or those that are incompatible with the designated purpose or design are prohibited. Activities shall be suitable to the respective area with the safety of the member supported at all times.
- Private instruction for profit runs in competition with sponsored classes and programs. Commercial groups and individuals are prohibited from using Aztec Recreation facilities for personal gain or to sponsor events and/or activities. Unauthorized or profit-making ventures, meetings, teaching, coaching, personal training or instruction is also prohibited. It is inappropriate for facility participants or employees to receive personal financial compensation using university facilities and/or equipment.
- All non-authorized personal training is prohibited. All individuals perceived as personal trainers will be asked to desist training behavior immediately; continued perception of personal training will result in loss of membership privileges. Personal trainers must sign a working agreement.
- Event must be approved by Student Life and Leadership in Event Approval System (EAS) prior to consideration for scheduling. An approved EAS does not guarantee the space. Space is subject to availability and nature of the activity as determined by A.S.
- Insurance may be required for the reservation.
- Recognized Student Organizations in good standing may schedule up to 2 hours per week (standard set up) for free, provided space is available. This activity must be related to the nature of the organization (i.e. dance group reserving a group fitness studio for dance practice or martial arts club reserving the mat studio for practice).
- No more than 4 total hours per week for ongoing reservations.
- No more than 2 reservations at any one time for any Club or Organization.
- Other costs may apply if additional staffing, set up or custodial is needed.
- Policy subject to change if space requests exceed available space.
- All lockers are the property of Associated Students of SDSU and Aztec Recreation. Lockers are subject to search if deemed necessary and/or with reasonable suspicion.
- Lockers may only be used for legitimate purposes involving exercise, sports, and fitness. Use of any locker for inappropriate or unlawful purposes is prohibited and subject to search and forfeiture of items found.
- Flammable materials, dangerous chemicals, explosives or weapons of any kind are strictly prohibited inside the lockers.
- Perishable items, illegal or controlled substances, such as drugs or alcohol, are strictly prohibited inside the lockers.
- Aztec Recreation conducts periodic facility inspections, including locker areas. Some inspections may occur in collaboration with the SDSU University Police department, and/or may involve the use of canine units. Aztec Recreation holds the right to search any bag (i.e. gym bag, backpack, etc.), personal belongings, and/or locker if deemed necessary and/or with reasonable suspicion.
- Aztec Recreation is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged personal property.
- Please be considerate of your neighbors. Unlaundered clothing, worn protective gear, leaking oil bottles and other similar items that create unpleasant odors and messes, or that leak to other lockers are prohibited. Aztec Recreation reserves the right to cut the locks of such locker, remove the contents and dispose of as deemed necessary.
- Aztec Recreation reserves the right to cut day-use locks and remove locker contents if left after hours. Since some contents, such as personal hygiene products or underclothes cannot be received by the lost and found, they will be discarded. After 10 days, items are donated to charity.
Open Recreation
- Basketball games are played to 11. Three pointers count as two and two pointers count as one point.
- Volleyball games are played to 15. Rally scoring will be used for all games.
- Indoor soccer games are played to 3 goals.
- All games are played with a 15-minute time limit.
- Winning teams continue playing for a maximum of three games.
- The winning team and the team that has "next" are required to have all five (5) team members ready to play at game time.
- Failure to be ready to play will result in forfeiting the turn and placement at the end of the rotation.
- A team is not permitted to have "next" on more than one court.
- Participants sign up on the white board. Sign ups are limited to one spot per person.
- Participants must use their actual name.
- Participants may re-sign-up ONLY after the game is complete.
- Participants in games will call fouls, violations, and out of bounds. Please be respectful of all calls made.
- Players may continue to use one basket until eight or more want to play a full-court game.
- The use of thrown/tossed/carried performance equipment like batons, flags, training rifles, practice swords, sticks, and other similar items is prohibited in the facility.