Sport Clubs

About Sport Clubs

The Aztec Recreation sport club program includes 21 diverse and highly competitive teams who meet regularly to pursue an interest in collegiate competition at the state, regional, and national level. Each club team is developed, organized, and managed by students with guidance from Aztec Recreation professional staff. Sport clubs enable students to enhance their collegiate experience and serve an excellent setting for the development of athletic skills, leadership abilities and social connections.


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Sport Club Coach Positions


Aztec Recreation Club
Team Athlete Eligibility Information:

  • All regularly enrolled students and/or dual-admitted students with 6 or more units of coursework at San Diego State University (SDSU).
  • Meet the eligibility standards of a sports’ respective governing body, league, and/or association.
  • Current  Aztec Recreation member.
  • Faculty, staff, and individuals enrolled through the ALI (American Language Institute), Open University, or the Extended Studies programs are NOT eligible to participate.

Club Team Fees:

  • Each club team has a different fee structure and the amount charged to members varies from team to team.
  • Fees go to support the cost of operating the team, such as travel expenses, uniforms, and equipment.

Club Team Tryouts, Meetings and Practices:

  • Sports Club teams continually graduate student team members and are seeking potential new members.
  • Each club team maintains a competitive roster according to their respective sport.
  • Tryout and meeting dates and times vary for each team.
  • On and off campus practices and competitions are usually between 3:00pm and 10:00pm Monday through Friday. Weekend practice/competitions are typically between 8:00am-10:00pm.
  • Practices are conducted in variety of locations on and off campus.

    • Aztec Recreation Center (ARC),
    • Peterson Gym, Athletic/Recreation Turf Fields,
    • Aquaplex

    • Mission Bay Aquatic Center (MBAC),
    • Ray & Joan Kroc Center,
    • San Diego Ice Arena,
    • Iceoplex (Escondido),
    • Robb Field (Ocean Beach),
    • San Diego County Credit Union Stadium (SDCCU Stadium)
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