Group Fitness

Group Fitness Class

Cycling Class

  Calendar Icon Thursday, August 31  
  Time Icon 6pm - 6:45pm  


This class is a great cardiovascular workout that simulates outdoor rides.  Pedal through sprints, hills, intervals, and more to energizing music that is sure to make you sweat.  If you choose to wear cycling shoes, our bikes are compatible with SPD cleats. No experience required!

More Cycling Group Fitness Classes
Brianna Gable

Brianna Gable
Class Instructor

Brianna is an undergraduate student at SDSU studying business. She grew up in San Diego and has always enjoyed fitness. She played many sports growing up such as volleyball, tennis, and rugby. Brianna is ACE group fitness certified and teaches cycle classes, as well as other class formats. Her love for group fitness began in high school after taking her first spin class. Ever since, she has wished to have the opportunity to teach a class of her own. As an instructor, she strives to spread her knowledge about fitness and wellness. She also hopes to positively impact participants and give everyone the opportunity to grow physically and mentally. Brianna is looking forward to an amazing year with all of you!

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