Group Fitness

Group Fitness Class

Cycle Core Class

  Calendar Icon Thursday, February 6  
  Time Icon 6pm - 6:50pm  

Cycle Core
CLASS TYPE: Cardio/Strength

This class is a great opportunity to build both muscular strength and endurance in the legs through 30 minutes of cycling. Finish off this beginner friendly workout with 15 minutes of abdominal work!

More Cycle Core Group Fitness Classes
Caroline Gillies

Caroline Gillies
Class Instructor

Caroline Gillies is an undergraduate student at San Diego State University pursuing a degree from the College of Arts and Letters majoring in Political Science. Caroline has a previous background in dance, and found a love for cycling and all things group fitness after attending both dance and group fitness classes throughout her life. After recently taking the ENS 138 Group Fitness Instructor Training Course through the university, Caroline has the privilege to now work alongside and grow her connections further with the Aztec Recreation team and previous teachers. As such, she is now an ACE Certified Group Fitness Instructor and is grateful for this opportunity and can’t wait to see what comes next!

More Group Fitness Classes by Caroline Gillies
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