Group Fitness

Group Fitness Class

Farewell Fitness Happy Hour: Kayleen's last Total Body at the ARC! Class

  Calendar Icon Friday, May 9  
  Time Icon 4:45pm - 5:30pm  

Farewell Fitness Happy Hour: Kayleen's last Total Body at the ARC!
CLASS TYPE: Strength

Join Kayleen as she says goodbye to the ARC with the format that started it all: Total Body. 45 minutes to give her gratitude and thanks to everyone who supported her. 45 minutes for you to move your body and "thank your mind, your body, and your soul." :)

Kayleen Ruiz

Kayleen Ruiz
Class Instructor

Kayleen Ruiz is an SDSU undergraduate student studying Kinesiology with an emphasis in Physical Therapy. She took the ENS 138 Group Fitness Instructor Training credit class and is an ACE Certified Group Fitness Instructor. Kayleen loves teaching Strength/Cardio classes including Total Strength and Aztec Abs. She grew up playing many sports and developed a passion for health and fitness at an early age. She is dedicated to sharing her passion with the SDSU community and can't wait to grow as a leader with the help of the SDSU community!

More Group Fitness Classes by Kayleen Ruiz
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